Thursday, April 11, 2013

BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU - Repeated propaganda.


Imagine walking down an avenue. Everywhere you look, you see the sign above. And every time you see it, you know that it is true. Every where you go you know that you are being scrutinized. Every action you do, every word you speak, is seen and heard by the thought police, who, in essence, is Big Brother. Orwell uses the constant image of Big Brother to represent repeated propaganda; that is, something that is seen so often that it is considered a fact. Big Brother is such and important figure in the novel, that Orwell addresses him almost immediately in the first chapter of the book;

"On each landing, opposite the lift-shaft, the poster with the enormous face gazed from the wall. it was one of those pictures which are so contrived that the eyes follow you about when you move. BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU, the caption beneath it ran."(Orwell, Chapter 1)

Similar to Nazi Germany's propaganda? The issue of the mass production of propaganda is emphasized very often by Orwell, through Big Brother and another form of propaganda: telescreens.
A telescreen keeps and eye on Winston's room as it spews Party propaganda from the Ministry of Peace in the fil adaption of 1984.
Telescreens watch over everyone in Oceania at all times. They can never be turned off and they spew a never ending supply of lies; the prediction's of goods outputs that have failed but are changed to be true, battles won by Oceania that have never actually happened, and predictions for a never war that will never end. Always a voice is speaking, always an eye is watching. You are never free. But that is a privilege because...


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